A dynamic and integral part of the national economy, companies involved in the production and processing of poultry provide 2,012,269 jobs that pay $125.6 billion in wages to families throughout the country, generate about $576.6 billion in annual economic impact, and about $33.7 billion in taxes.
Poultry is the leading agricultural industry in Arkansas, providing over 157,639 jobs in the state. Over 6,500 farms in Arkansas produce some type of poultry. Northwest Arkansas, particularly Washington and Benton counties, produces the most poultry in Arkansas. In 2021 the poultry industry in Arkansas provided $5.1 billion (50%) of the total agriculture cash receipts. Of the poultry cash receipts, broilers were the largest contributor, providing 38% of the state's total agricultural cash receipts.
Missouri agriculture continues to be a great strength to the state’s economy. Nearly 95,000 farms located on more than 27 million acres employ a quarter million Missourians. Poultry is one of Missouri’s top commodities totaling $1.5 billion. Of the poultry cash receipts, broilers were the largest contributor providing $833 million to the state’s total agricultural cash receipts.
Since the early nineteenth century, domesticated chickens and turkeys have been a mainstay in Oklahoma. Poultry production, consisting of broilers and egg-laying flocks, is located primarily in the eastern third of the state. More than 197 million broiler chickens were produced on Oklahoma farms in 2021, adding $853 million to the state's agricultural cash receipts. The poultry industry has significantly boosted the agriculture economy in eastern Oklahoma.
USDA Poultry Production & Value Report 2021