The Poultry Federation (TPF) awarded 17 graduate and 24 undergraduate students a combined total of $156,000 in scholarships for students majoring in poultry-related studies at Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma universities for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Created to provide financial assistance and education opportunities to qualifying students, TPF’s scholarship program aids in supporting their mission of encouraging and supporting youth programs in poultry work. Through the support from the Federation’s members, over 2 million dollars has been raised in the past thirteen years.
The Federation’s annual Nutrition Conference and Scholarship Auction serve as the main funding sources for TPF’s scholarship program. Since 2010, the work and generosity of members, sponsors, attendees, and volunteers of these events have generated a total of $1.4 million to be awarded to qualifying students. Over the past thirteen years, 421 students have been awarded a scholarship through these funds.
“The Poultry Federation Scholarship Fund provides many students an opportunity to get an education without incurring a lot of debt. I am proud of our members who make the scholarship auction a priority each and every year and their generosity is what makes it work,” stated Marvin Childers, President of The Poultry Federation.
The Poultry Federation Scholarship Program is coordinated in partnership with the Arkansas Community Foundation (ARCF). The Poultry Federation scholarship committee and ARCF collaboratively select the scholarship recipients using established scoring guidelines. To qualify, the student must be enrolled in an Arkansas, Missouri or Oklahoma accredited two or four-year post-secondary institution pursuing a degree that may lead them to a career in the poultry and egg industry.
View the full list of scholarship recipients for the 2023-2024 academic year here.
About The Poultry Federation
The Poultry Federation is a trade association representing the poultry and egg industry in Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. The federation promotes and protects the interests of the industry and provides a unified voice for governmental affairs. The Poultry Federation is based in Little Rock, AR., and has operational offices in Jefferson City, MO., and Oklahoma City, OK.
Media Contact
Holly Duval, Director of Marketing & Business Development
(T) 501.375.8131; (M) 501.326.7715